

Our Little Athletics season officially will commence for the 24/25 season on the 31st August 2024.
We will have 2 sign on dates , with the 1st sign on the 10th August 2024 from 1pm to 3pm and the 2nd sign on  on the 18th August 2024, from 9am to 12pm. All sign ons will be at our grounds on Vansittart Road Regents Park. We will also be signing on for children  wishing to do Try outs as well. 

You can still sign on after these dates but please be at the centre by 8am to complete the necessary paperwork and be ready to start competition at 8.30am.

All new members will be able to take a two consecutive weeks as a try out for a cost of $20.00/athlete, which will be deducted from the registration fee’s if you sign up. 

Please be aware that there are no refunds after you have fully registered.